Load shedding cape town lookup tool updated the loadshedding lookup tool for cape town has been updated! you can now select your suburb by name, and the schedule will switch to the new, updated 16-day rotational schedule automatically on 1 feb 2015.. 6 10. 17 14. 21 4. 8 12. 19 16. 23. how load-shedding works. according to eskom, south africa will face load-shedding throughout february, march, and beyond. to help you plan for the power cuts that we all face, here is the updated schedule. follow the steps below to find out when there will be load-shedding in your area. step 1: know your area. Eskom's andrew etzinger says the load-shedding schedules on its website now kick into effect. "we will from 9am be implementing load shedding across the country according to our schedule.".
Download loadshedding - notification and schedule for johannesburg, cape town and durban area and enjoy it on your iphone, ipad and ipod touch. -access load shedding schedules for multiple suburbs or areas rfa convention 2014 - trucking excellence business. you may also like see all. vobi utilities.. The city of cape town has been advised by eskom that they have initiated countrywide load shedding from 8am this morning. this will affect cape town residents in both the eskom supply area and the city supply area. the load shedding schedule for city of cape town supply residents is currently at stage 3.. Apply for exemption from water restrictions: all water users are encouraged to save water and adhere to water restrictions, but exemption is approved in special circumstances..