Blanket chest book scores a home run with industry blog. june 9, 2011. fw contributing author peter turner's latest book is chock-full of stellar information and plenty of plans for building a beautiful blanket chest!. The best fine woodworking blanket chest plans free download. fine woodworking blanket chest plans. basically, anyone who is interested in building with wood can learn it successfully with the help of free woodworking plans which are found on the net.. Click here to download the free pdf article and woodworking plan for dunbar's six-board chest. author, other blanket chests plans: • hickory and ash blanket chest sign up for eletters today and get the latest techniques and how-to from fine woodworking, plus special offers..
I use three butt hinges for this blanket chest design, with 3/4” wide leaves x 2 1/2” the past, i have made jigs to easily rout the recess, using a guide collar in the router and a straight bit.. This blanket chest is pretty basic. i've actually made two of them, one as a wedding gift for my sister-in-law and another as a christmans present for my brother. i used red oak, purchased from a home center. my goal was to create continuous grain around the entire chest, so i opted to use a basic rabbet joint to connect the front, back and sides.. Country designs, like that of this blanket chest, fit into a wide variety of settings and are perfect projects to develop your hand-tool skills. this dovetailed chest is chock-full of challenging joinery but is not overwhelming. andrew hunter did everything by hand, including milling the lumber..